Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Two Months Old!

Indigo is pudging up nicely. It's weird to have a "normal" sized baby after one who was so tiny. She is moving quickly through her brother's gender neutral hand me downs. I've been putting 3 month onesies on her because the looser fit results in less screaming than the tighter fitting 0-3 month size. She is cooing and squawking more each day. We've also been blessed with a colic diagnosis for her screaming fits. The record stands at 6 hours straight. We have a barrage of remedies that we throw at her when she starts up-usually around the time it gets dark outside. Luckily, she wears herself out and gets a good 5-6 hours of sleep afterward.

The picture of Ryan and Grandpa is from Granna's birthday celebration at our house. Unfortunately, I only have a photo of the partially eaten cake. I put 100 on the top with red licorice. She took it all in stride-Thanks for being a good sport Granna.

All of our family visiting is over for the year. We are hoping to manage a trip back to Indiana over Christmas, but it will be very pricey.

1 comment:

Jennifer Woolsey said...

Seriously, she is so adorable. We need to get Dean and Indigo together so they can be little baby boyfriend and girlfriend!

I miss you, my BFF!