We had our main ultrasound this week at the hospital. Nugget has all of her/his parts, but we are not 100% sure on the gender. The little bugger was not the most cooperative baby at showing even the simplest of parts (like the left arm) to the poor technician, so as we moved south, the legs were crossed for a while. We kept coming back to see if positioning had changed, but the best we got was a glance of a tight-legged baby. We think Nugget is a girl, but are not sure enough to make any major clothing/gear/room painting decisions. Most of the gear and some clothes will be hand me downs from Ryan anyway, even if we have a girl, don't expect to see many pink fluffy things purchased by her parents.
Nugget's foot measured 2 cm in length. So tiny and sweet!
We think that in light of the new non-information about Nugget, the spelling should be modified to Nugg-IT. :) After the great Naming Summit, we are down to 5 girl names, and 6 boy names, with 2-3 lead contenders in both categories. A later summit shall be held when we enter the third trimester. No more ultrasounds are presently scheduled, they shall be reserved unless deemed "medically necessary". (Ryan slept through a stress test once in utereo, and this was considered reason enough for a peek, so we might get another look)
Stubborn little thing! Hopefully you won't need any more ultrasounds so you'll just have a big surprise in a few months!
Oh my! I can't imagine WANTING to know and then leaving without any conclusive info! It would drive me BONKERS!!!
A girl would be lovely, a brother so nice for Ryan. Either way, you win.
Glad everything seems to be as perfect as it should be with NuggIT :)
You are so in for it with a little girl! Get ready for explosions of pink, princesses, and drama...although, the drama thing I think you have down pat. It may be Jeff who needs to brace himself!
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