Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Trip

We're back! We survived the flights, cold weather, and bad tempers to visit our family for an early birthday/holiday celebration last week. Here are some highlights.
Ryan loves riding horses and tractors. Grammy and Grampy have two horses, Sabi and Jewel. He just had to ride BOTH of them! The tractor would not start due to the cold, but the horn still worked, much to his delight. The bottom two photos are Great Grandad getting "nosies" and Great Grandma holding Ryan.
I just downloaded 93 photos from the last two weeks, so more posting to come!

1 comment:

Jennifer Woolsey said...

Glad the IN trip went well. I SO wish we had been able to make our visits overlap! Looks like Ryan had fun getting spoiled by the grandparents! Have you been able to de-program him yet? :)