Thursday, August 13, 2009

Potty Time

We are GRADUALLY starting potty training. Ryan is very interested in cheering for me, getting stickers to put on his knees, wearing "unners" and flushing. It's getting the stuff into the potty that is the trouble. He's great at telling me "poopie mommy" AS he is filling his pants. Tonight we practiced wiping on the potty. He likes to wipe the front too. :)

Last night we found the perfect stool for Ryan at Target. When we brought it home, he cried until we brought it inside. He's never latched onto a "thing" so quickly before.

I've read that it is easier for kids to push if they have their feet grounded. His stool has a little flip lid where we stash his flushing wipes, and I am sure it will be filled with toys soon. He LOVES to stand on this stool. Here are photos of what I went through this evening. He turned a velcro curler and tube of mascara into a trumpet of sorts, tooting around the house.


Jennifer Woolsey said...

We have the same stool, only in white. Isabella is obsessed with washing her hands, so this solves us having to hold her up to the sink every ten seconds.

Angi said...

Oh super cute and I applaud your ambition!
Creux will be in diapers until he's 7 :)

Good luck to the entire household! (Haha!)