From Wikipedia: Lurker: In Internet culture, a lurker is a person who reads discussions on a message board, newsgroup, or chat room, but rarely participates.
I'm in desperate need of a shout out. Who is reading this blog? My family only? A smattering of friends? Complete strangers? I have 3 consistent commenters, but I want to hear from ALL of you out there.
Hey there! You know I read but I'll shout at you anyway!
I read you! Popped you on my own blog...
Why don't you put up a tracker?
I use mine because I share so much personal stuff and want to make sure I know who's reading me and looking at pics of my kiddos. Though I can't identify everyone, I have a good idea of things and feel very comfortable with the (false) security of my trackers.
Plus, I know people are reading. :)
I check in now and are on my blog roll so I know when you post. :O) I don't often post because I am usually just checking in, but I feel the same way you do. I know I have lurkers and I would love to know who they are. I'll be interested to know if any more of yours come forward!
A great way to keep up on what's happening to my favorite grandson!
Guilty as charged.
De-lurking here to say hi! Came here via Angi's wonderful blog, saw your very cute little baby, and began reading :)
Hey, I just found your blog! I'll have to read it and catch up on what is new with you. Your little one is too cute!
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