Here is your chance to weigh in on the debate of the hour. Who does RJ look most like? I think he's a clone of his mother, except the sex part... My photo is the baby in the obviously old swing from the 1970's. CJ is the black and white, as he is so old they did not have color images yet. :) Give me your opinion, then I can choose to ignore it if I disagree.

I think he is a good mix of both. Kind of has your eyes and mouth and CJ's nose.
And, poor RJ has Briana's janky ring toe, hangs a noticeably towards the big toe at the second knuckle. Lucky for RJ, this defect is masked by rolls of fat on the otherwise perfect little toes.
As aforementioned, I don't really think RJ looks predominately like you or CJ! And since when has your husband started going by his initials? Has he become a Secret Agent? I do think, however, that the chubby cheeks have CJ written all over them; thank goodness, or he might have eaten his offspring!
I'm being a fancy mommyblogger and protecting the innocent by using initials. CJ likeshis alleged anonimity.
I'm being a fancy mommyblogger and protecting the innocent by using initials. CJ likeshis alleged anonimity.
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