Monday, November 22, 2010

3 Month Rolling Baby

Don't these smiles just KILL YOU?? My favorite is the one where Ryan is asleep and Indi looks like she heard the funniest joke. She is the cutest little hand/finger sucker with thigh rolls Ever!

Indigo rolled from her belly to back three times tonight, and I realized that she is 3 months old, it's time to blog! Ryan cheered for her as she pushed herself over again and again. It is so sweet to see their relationship blossoming. He is truly proud of his baby sister, and she is always watching his every move, and beams at him. It is heart melting.

Ryan is starting to show some initiative with potty training. If he keeps up at the current pace, he will be fully trained by his birthday! We're running out of room for all of his potty prizes. I switched to gummy lifesavers two days ago, as long as he uses the potty when it is light out, he gets candy. After dark, matchbox cars. He hasn't quite figured out the distinction yet, he just knows that he can't have sugar at nighttime. :)

In other news, our house has sold! In this market, it is a real blessing that we were only on the market for a month. Now, we have to get our new house situation ready to roll for a just before Christmas move in. I've already started saying goodbye to this house, our first home. I get all sentimental about all of the hard work that has gone into making this a home for our family. But I know the next one will be even bigger and better.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Coming out of the Fog

My daughter has colic. What does this really mean? It means she screams for no apparent reason for hours every evening. It means my husband and I are at our wits end--emotionally and physically drained. It is so hard to hear your baby cry and not be able to help her. Both of us have backaches from holding Her Majesty in the appropriate position (on her side, bouncing non-stop-oh and you can't sit down, or she freaks out)

This has been going on for 3 weeks now. I removed all dairy from my diet, it has helped to decrease the LENGTH of her freak outs, but not stop them all together. Theories abound on why babies get this--the latest I'm believing has to do with immature digestion.

We have informed Indigo that once she is 3 months old that she must cease and desist all of these shenanigans. I'm so tired that the other night I made chicken for dinner and forgot to make any side dishes (noodles and veggies). Dare I say it, the last two nights haven't been too bad- are we emerging from this fog? Or have I just jinxed tonight's rest? Gotta run, she's screaming again.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Our Halloween

Here we are: Baby Tiger/Pumpkin, Dragon, Little Red Riding Hood, and the Big Bad Wolf. Ryan dictated everyone's costumes this year. He likes to sing the Hey there little red riding hood song. We taught him this one as the "Nursery Rhyme" to go with a puzzle. His howl is quite cute.

I'm a little late, as usual. We celebrated Halloween on the ACTUAL night, not anything fancy surrounding it. This year was Ryan's first Trick or Treating from door to door. We went with some friends up in Everett. Ryan and Hazel had trouble with the concept of knocking on a door but not going inside...a new idea for both of them. We only hit a few houses, so there isn't enough candy for Mom and Dad to yoink. That's ok, since I had to give up dairy for Indigo, chocolate included, this Halloween was a bit of a drag for me. Those of you that know me well understand the sacrifice I am making for this child by giving up chocolate. I will have to find some weirdo-hippie version without dairy to keep my wits about me!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

How to soothe a colicky baby- Daddy Style

Her nickname du jour: Sack of potatoes